A worthy effort to allow you to make a direct impact on the lives of people in Iraq. PLEASE think about what you have in your house that can be used to make clothing, blankets, etc., and send it to this effort coordinated by a U.S. Soldier.
Go to: http://minnesota.publicradio.org/collections/special/columns/news_cut/archive/2009/08/iraqi_bundles_of_love.shtml for news coverage.
Go to website at: http://ibol.wordpress.com/faq/
This is the FAQ.
What is a website if it doesn’t have frequently asked questions?
1. Is it OK if I’m the point of contact for my guild / group / coven / demolition derby team? Absolutely!
2. What APO address should I use? When you leave me a comment, I will contact you with all the details.
3. Is there specific “not later than” date by which boxes need to be postmarked? 01 October (it’s a Friday), giving the boxes time to get here and to their final destination before the winter sets in.
4. What do you mean – self contained bundles? See the page on building a bundle.
5. Can I tell others about this? Sure — send them the URL (ibol.wordpress.com).
6. I’m not in the US. Isn’t there an easier way, than mailing stuff in the wrong direction? Nope. There use to be a way to do this, through Superhero Ken in the NL, but he’s (gasp!) retired back to North Carolina. I’m trying to find another way to do this.
7. If I’m not in the US, does it really matter what size box I use? Nope. It absolutely does not matter (for anyone!) what size or type or style box you use. The beauty of the flat rate US Postal System boxes is that they’re just $12.50, no matter the weight, but if that’s not an option, send whatever works for you.
8. What, no love for knitters? What? Of course there’s love for knitters. Send yard. Send needle thingies. Send the Yard Harlot.
9. Since I’m mailing stuff from the US through the USPS, can you tell me about this customs form requirement? Absolutely. The link with details is here. It’s a 2976-A, aka the big form. It really doesn’t take very long to fill it out — it asks for details on the sender, recipient, and contents. You can even fill it out online, here.
10. Is there a shorter URL I can use in Twitter? Yep — this this one: http://bit.ly/y55uo
11. How much time do I have? Stuff needs to be in the mail by 01 October, in order to make it there in time.
I am preparing four boxes to go. I hope you can do the same.