This year my life seemed to speed up considerably. My consulting business was booming for the early winter, spring and summer - in May I had an all time high number of projects. Too many in fact. I acquired a new granddaughter, which makes three from this family brood, five overall. And that has taken up a considerable amount of time, especially with d-i-law having difficulties before and after delivery. And I was a bit depressed for quite some time all year, although that seems to be clearing. There were times when I could have/should have been sewing, but didn't. So overall, 2009 was an overwhelming year. I hope to mitigate that feeling in 2010!
I have some creations I have not listed, so that will make up Part II - just as soon as I get time to take a few photos.
Purple font is a quote from my 2009 goal setting post. [Progress rated on a 1-5 scale, with 1 being best].
"In 2009, these are my goals: + No new fabric purchases!!!!!! Sew only from my stash ( which is extensive), with the exception of zippers and lining (if I can't find something in my stash). [Since this is a 2009 deadline, this week I ordered from, and Technically, not purchased in 2008!!!]
I did very well the first six months or so, then threw this goal to the wind. But I also don't think I purchased as much as I have in the past. So while my stash grew, it didn't grow as much proportionately as in previous years (how's that for rationalization???). [3 out of 5]
+ Learn to Quilt on my New Used Quilt Designer Machine!!!!! I want to learn to use this machine to the fullest.
This machine made my sewing this year easier. Not just on quilts, but on clothing - the buttonholer is a dream to use, the quarter inch needle setting great. I really like this machine. Did I learn to quilt? Well, a bit. But still much more to learn. I'm trying to get up the courage to try the quilt I made for my brother, but it is HUGE and my machine is small. [2 out of 5]
+ Make One Item from Each Burda Plus and/or Burda World of Fashion Magazine Acquired!!!!
I have three issues of Burda Plus, with the fourth coming my way in January, plus several BWOF issues. BUT I have been hesitant to actually make anything - the idea of tracing and preparing the tissue seems to be a barrier. But I will overcome this barrier in 2009 and make one thing from each issue I acquire.
Ha, ha, ha. Spoken like a true optimist. I did eventually make two items from the Burda magazines. They haven't been hemmed as yet, but I want to get that done this weekend. I did copy off several patterns. But I added to my stash with two KNIP MODE magazines (incredibly expensive, but I wanted to see what all the fuss was about), from which I've copied four patterns, and am thinking about a fifth. Now I just need to get these things made! And I have overcome the barrier of tracing the patterns from the magazine, so I can declare progress on this one! [3 out of 5]
+ Make at least one item for myself from the vintage patterns I've collected!!!!
I have a bunch I've picked up here and there. I used the men's pj's for a Christmas present. Now I want to make at least one dress out of the vintage patterns I've picked up.
I have a bunch I've picked up here and there. I used the men's pj's for a Christmas present. Now I want to make at least one dress out of the vintage patterns I've picked up.
Same story as above really. I have one copied and partially adjusted, but haven't made anything. I'm bad. [0 out of 5]
+ Finish the Unfinished 2008 Projects!!!!
I made some progress here, but haven't finished them. Several of the eight pointed star squares are sewn together, and all have been "squared up" in preparation for sewing. This project is actually not just a 2008 UFO, but dates back to 1999 - so it celebrated its 10th anniversary this year! Whooo hooo! Happy New Year.
On the Paris Flea Market quilt, I have all the blocks sewn, and the large one squared up for patching. Still need to square up the small ones. And I have another UFO - the Oriental Geisha quilt I need to finish for my Round Robin - from 2007! This is beyond ridiculous at this point - must make it a priority.
I created only one UFO in 2009. I joined a group of sewing enthusiasts that were working on the faceted jewels pattern. I have all my pieces cut out, but have not put needle to fabric as yet. [1 out of 5]
Average Rating of Progress from 2009: 1.8 - not great,
not even average, just so-so.
not even average, just so-so.