Part of the issue of not having any "sewing mojo" as so many call it is in the photo above - three little urchins! I love them though. But every weekend, and sometimes twice a week, mean less sewing for grandma.
I also started a new job - full time - and the move from part-time work/consulting part-time is causing havoc as well. I have a 40 minute to 1 hour commute each way, so that cuts considerably into my day.
Do I have sewing ambition? Oh yes. At the JoAnne's Simplicity sale a few weeks ago I got four new patterns - including a cool jacket I love. Well Blogger isn't cooperating, so I can't access the site and show it to you. Drat! Oh and I bought a KnipMode magazine that has a jacket and a pair of pants I'd quite like to make. AND loved the plus size things in the March issue of Burda.
And my fabric buying is still going on. As a matter of fact, just last week I stopped at Joanne's and found some fleece remnants perfect for an Easter Bunny delivered blankie. Hum, are you seeing a theme here?
Meanwhile, I have been crocheting off and on, and even took a knitting class. So I've moved some of my time into those categories as well. So stay tuned, I might be able to do something this spring . . . after taxes are done. And Z's 5th birthday is over. Sigh.