Aunt Emily

Emily Bowyer Hammel was my father's older sister. She was the dearest person I've ever known. Over several adolescent summers, she patiently taught me how to sew and how to cook. I loved her. Sadly, she has been gone these few years and I miss her very much. However, I am carrying on her legacy of sewing and trying to carry on her legacy of caring.

Thursday, February 21

At the Machine

This is what I have going right now. First, I am making one of the Sewing Workshop L2 bags (reduced to 75%) out of the Bohemian Manor by Jason Yenter fabric from In the Beginning. I'll post later about the interior of this bag.
Then, I have started on this Simplicity 3804 in the red knit - see previous posts!
An finally, I am making myself a Sewing Workshop L2 bag in Alexander Henry's Frida Kahlo fabric - I have pockets and straps ready, just need to put body together.

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