M5316 M5619 M5517
Our friends at JoAnne's had a pattern sale this week - McCalls. I am a big Laura Ashley fan - have always loved her designs (and yes I know they are no longer "her's" as she has been gone for years now). So I looked through the pattern book and found these three. Now the size stops at 20, so I'm going to have to enlarge them, but I think they are all great candidates for a beautiful summer dress.
I especially like the first one of these - M5316. After I got it home and looked at the directions, they were a bit "wonky". So I checked pattern review - the only person who made this was Sharon M, and she had problems. So after reading her comments and looking at the directions again, I think (and I emphasize think) I may have an alternative way to construct the dress. But it will take some time to do, so I don't think it will be the first project. I am thinking that the first summer dress I will make will be the elbow length sleeve dress (yellow in the picture) from M5517.
Later, I will photo my fabric "finds" and post about them.
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