Aunt Emily

Emily Bowyer Hammel was my father's older sister. She was the dearest person I've ever known. Over several adolescent summers, she patiently taught me how to sew and how to cook. I loved her. Sadly, she has been gone these few years and I miss her very much. However, I am carrying on her legacy of sewing and trying to carry on her legacy of caring.

Wednesday, July 8

Vintage Pattern Snags=Part One

I picked up quite a few vintage patterns on my vacation. I have two that I think are particulary interesting. The pattern above is the first.

There is no date on the pattern. From the drawing I'd say 20s/30s, but I don't know for certain. This was produced by Butterick and is not technically a sewing pattern as such. It is directions to create the "negligee or bed jacket". It gives the fabric amount needed, and directions for cutting the fabric. The actual contents of the envelope are transfers to quilt the fabric to create the item.

The back of the envelope reads: A negligee or bed jacket of this kindmay be made ofcrepe de chine, satin, taffeta, flat crepe, or any of the ligher woolen materilas. The quilting should be lined with cheese cloth and the whole grament lined with china silk.
The negligee will take all the transfer design, the bed jacket only Sections A and B and the sleeve ortions of Sections C and D. In either case the used transfer shouldbe saved as a pattern for the lining.
For the development in Italian Quilting you will need yarn for padding. The design shouldbe stamped on the cheese cloth which should the be securely basted to the wrong side...

I guess they are talking about what we would call Tarpunto. As far as I can tell, the transfers are unused. The envelope is yellow with age. There is a spill and dots of what must be nail polish in a dark mauvy-brown. At the cost of 75 cents, I imagine this was on the verge of a luxury item.

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